Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One Year Down...Many to Go!

One year ago at this time Sam and I were anxious, nervous, and twitterpated about getting married the next day. Our actual wedding day did not turn out as exactly planned, however, it will forever be the very best day of my life. This past year has been more lovely than I ever could have imaged because I have been able to spend it with the most amazing person who means the world to me.

My goal was to edit and finish these wedding photographs at least one year from when we tied-the-knot. I'm happy I was able to do so and see how much Sam and I mean to each other through these photographs. Thank you to our wonderful photographer Casey Hyer who did an amazing job and who visited the Temple with Sam and I three times in order to have these delightful memories preserved.

The Details:

The Boutonnieres:

The Couple:


Nessa said...

I know it was probably a little frustrating at the moment but the wind swept pics on the steps are my favorite. Congrats on one Year!

Joellyn said...

Wow, Jen. Gorgeous!!

Stacy and Mike said...

I love love love these pictures! To me it looks like it was a PERFECT wedding day! Congrats on the ONE YEAR! Something to celebrate for SURE!!!

Stacy and Mike said...

ps. I would like a 5 by 5 picture of you and Sam on your wedding day as well as a picture of the cousins sitting on the step. Can I buy a disk or pay for them somehow?